Memoirs from a Trolleybus

Memoirs from a Trolleybus
Vstúpte do sveta bratislavskej MHD z druhej strany barikády. Inšpiratívne príbehy šoféra trolejbusu - v angličtine.
Autor: | Komrska Tomáš |
Dostupnosť: | Skladom |
Kúpou tohto produktu získate 42 bodov. |
Memoirs from a Trolleybus
I used to get C’s in school. I didn’t enjoy creating written work. I preferred creating with my hands. But as I began to regularly sit behind the wheel of a trolleybus, strange things began to happen. It felt like Christmas ornaments were hanging on the wires of the overhead line, each one a thought or observation, and they were falling down, and I was breaking them open as I drove.
So, I started writing them down, and later sending them to friends and acquaintances. Every now and then a reader would come up
with an idea: “Turn it into a book”.
So, here I am, publishing a book composed of these stories. It is a cross-section of observations from five years of journeying through our city by trolleybus.
Preklad Kathy Siska
S obrázkami Jana Heraleckého
Vydavateľstvo: |
Porta libri |
Formát: | 115x118 mm, mäkká väzba, farebná obálka |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
ISBN: | |
Rok vydania: | 2021 |
Počet strán: | 214 |
Súvisiace produkty

Zápisky z trolejbusu 2
Vstúpte do sveta bratislavskej MHD z druhej strany barikády. Ďalšie inšpiratívne príbehy šoféra trolejbusu
Produkty kupované spoločne s týmto produktom

Zápisky z trolejbusu 2
Vstúpte do sveta bratislavskej MHD z druhej strany barikády. Ďalšie inšpiratívne príbehy šoféra trolejbusu